Auto Insurance Endorsements
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Company Trusted For Over 25+ Years*
Auto insurance is filled with lots of confusing jargon that many people do not understand. One such term is auto insurance endorsements. This simply refers to changes in an insurance policy, typically for an automobile. The named insured normally initiates these alterations. When any change is made on a policy, it is called an endorsement. Numerous alterations can be done to your insurance plan. This includes:
When can a Change to an Endorsement be done?
If your car insurance policy is active and in good standing, you can make an endorsement at any time. However, some changes can only be done when the policy is renewed. If you are behind on paying your premiums, the endorsement might also be delayed until your account is paid in full. You should also note that if extreme weather conditions are forecasted in your area, you might not be able to make immediate endorsement changes on your policy. A good example would be a Hurricane that is predicted to hit Miami in 2 days. If you live in South Florida, your agent or insurer would probably tell you to wait until the storm passes to alter your coverage.
There are no set amounts of times you can make an endorsement. You can do it once a year or 4 or 5 times. Insurance companies are used to people upgrading their policies and promote more coverage so that they can charge a higher premium. Some people change jobs and move frequently, which causes them to make variations in their coverage quite often. Remember not to feel afraid to make a change on your insurance plan. Not having enough coverage can cost you a lot of money and headaches in the event you get into an at-fault accident with low limit coverage. Get covered today for less with a good to go auto insurance plan online.
Make Direct Endorsement Changes Online
In the last few years, nearly all of the major car insurance carriers allow online account changes. Most sites like good to go insurance will allow you to make endorsements on the company’s website. If you do not feel comfortable doing this, call your goodtogo car insurance agent, and they will be happy to assist you. Make sure you follow up when you get your new insurance packet in the mail or via email. Check the declaration page thoroughly to see if the requests were made and no mistakes are shown. If there is a mistake, contact your local agent or send an email right away and get it fixed.
Some endorsements are mandatory and initiated by the automobile insurance provider. This is why it is important to read the fine print on your policy before making a final decision to purchase. Also, if your vehicle is financed by a lending institution or leased, you most likely will be required to maintain certain mandated endorsements. This will probably mean higher limits for collision insurance and perhaps getting comprehensive insurance added on.
Find Cheap Auto Insurance Online and Save
Now that you are familiar with auto insurance endorsements, you should get online and see if you can lower your rates. The best place to shop is on the web because that is where the deals are most often found. At sites like good to go insurance, most shoppers can save $500 or more by switching over. Not only are the rates low, but the friendly service representatives will help you anytime, day or night, with any question you have. Get started today with a free quote and see how easy finding better car insurance coverage is.