Auto Insurance Comparison Quotes

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Auto Insurance Comparison Quotes

auto insurance comparison quotes

Most people just don’t like change. They stay with their same cell phone provider year after year and usually file their taxes at their local tax preparer. This is also true for auto insurance. Most consumers stay with the same insurer and policy each year. The problem with this strategy is this; you could be spending way too much money. We are not talking a few dollars here. You could be paying more than $600 in extra premiums each year for similar coverage. This is why auto insurance comparison quotes are so important. Quotes give you a reference point on what you could get for a specific type of car ins policy.

If you never get quotes, you are virtually blind and unsure if you have a good deal for auto insurance or are paying too much. If you have an internet connection, then there is no excuse. At top online websites like goodtogoinsurance, you can compare 5-10 quotes in just a few short minutes. The process is entirely free, and you are never obligated or pressured to buy a policy.

The Benefits of Buying Car Insurance Direct

There are many advantages to comparing car insurance direct. The first one is the price. When you apply for an auto insurance quote on the web, you are entering information that will help you find the best rates available. The coverage you apply for is sent to numerous insurers, who then offer their best direct pricing, with the hopes you choose them at their low rates. Direct Auto Coverage is here to stay, as millions of consumers are ditching their agents and getting covered themselves. There are more benefits than price alone. One is privacy and the feeling of being in control over the entire policy buying experience. With many sites like Good to Go Insurance, you can manage your policy all online. It is incredibly convenient and allows the customer to add coverage and cancel, all online.

The benefict of buying car insurance direct

With Comparison Quotes, You Will Learn a Lot

One of the first things you will notice is the variation in pricing. Many insurers have a market segment that they target and offer lower rates for. Some companies like The Hartford have better rates for retirees. Other companies like 21st have great offers for safe drivers aged 30-45.

When you apply for auto insurance, you will see what companies give you a good deal and which ones do not. The other thing you will notice when you compare vehicle insurance quotes direct is that the biggest insurers do not always have the lowest prices. Do you ever wonder how Geico and Progressive can have the cheapest policies when they are on television 24/7? These high advertising costs are passed down to consumers in the way of higher rates. Many smaller insurers like good to go auto insurance have low everyday rates that you can take advantage of.

Get Three or More Quotes Before you Buy a Policy

When you shop online and check out quotes for the coverage you need, do not just jump at the first offer. Take your time. You should compare at least six rates. It will give you a large enough sample to know that you are saving money. Some ins professionals recommend analyzing over ten quotations. Don’t worry about spending all day doing so. The entire process will only take you about fifteen minutes.

Many Factors go Into Insurance Rates

Getting quotes for auto insurance is a personal and unique matter. This is because there is no-one else like you, with the same exact profile. Multiple factors go into the price that is given for the insurance coverage you apply for. Some of the main ones are:

  • Your Driving Record
  • The Car You Drive
  • Where you Live
  • Your Credit
  • Your Age and Sex


Your friend might get a super cheap policy from Nationwide insurance. You, however, might end up paying nearly double for the same exact coverage. It all depends on your unique profile. There are basic steps you can take, however, to keep your premiums down. The first might seem obvious, but it is so important. Be a safe driver and stay ticket and accident-free. If you do that and nothing else, you are well on your way to cheaper automobile ins. The other thing is to drive a car that is cheap to insure. Most used family vehicles like a Chevy Malibu or Volvo have lower coverage costs.

Check Auto Insurance Pricing Every 6 Months

Once you decide to buy a new policy, you might wonder how often you should check rates. Most experts recommend getting a new automobile insurance quote every six months. Quotes only take about 5 minutes, so there is no excuse. You might find a better plan at a lower cost. If you don’t, then you have nothing to lose. You can renew your current policy and wait another six months.

Now that you know the benefit of auto insurance comparison quotes apply online at goodtogo. Prices for liability only start at just $29 per month, which is around $1 per day. Get both the plan you want and the savings you need today.