Cheap Car Insurance for Older Drivers
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There are certain minimum legal insurance laws in your specific state that you need to abide by if you operate a motorized vehicle. This includes coverage that provides for losses to another party in the event you get into an accident, commonly referred to as liability insurance. Like death or taxes, having your car insured is just an inevitability of life. However, what you do have control over is the type of policy you buy and the company you do business with. Let’s take a close-up look at how to get cheap car insurance for older drivers online. This group of motorists has lots of experience and, surprisingly too many gets fewer accidents than most younger drivers. Apply for a rate check-up at good to go insurance online or over the phone today.
The three policy types are liability insurance, collision, and comprehensive. Liability is the most basic and often is the cheapest. It insures you for damages and injuries you cause to another party and their property. Seniors can get covered for as little as $29 a month from Goodtogo insurance. Typically this type of policy is for people who don’t have a lot of assets to protect, including the automobile they drive. For those elderly drivers on a small monthly budget, this might be your best choice.
Collision protection provides reimbursement for damages done to an insured driver’s own vehicle in an accident that is a result of the driver who is insured. Comprehensive is designed to cover damage done to your vehicle that’s not related to hitting another car. This includes incidents like a tree falling onto your vehicle in a windstorm, vandalism, or a fire. Both collision and comprehensive insurance are more expensive than liability but offer greater protection. If you get into a major accident, it can pay for itself many times over.
The first thing you want to do is check all the requirements in your state. You can do this online in about 10 minutes at your state’s insurance website. Check out the minimum amounts of coverage and other mandates, such as being required to carry uninsured driver’s coverage.
An uninsured motorist plan can save you financially in the event you are involved in a crash with another person who does not have car ins. Another big plus is it will also reimburse you for hit and run accidents. Get all your car policy needs at good to go insurance online.
The first thing you can do on your journey to lower senior car insurance rates is to select a higher deductible. This simple decision can save you about 10% off your policy. Go for a $1,000 deductible and keep more money in your bank. Just be diligent and keep the amount saved, or better yet safely invested, in the event you need to file a claim one day.
The next thing you can do is take advantage of insurers that appreciate seniors and offer discounts. Some providers like The Hartford have special programs for qualified drivers over the age of 55. This can save you another 5% to 10%.
Another great way to get cheap car insurance for older drivers is not to drive too much. Those seniors that drive less than 1,000 miles can get a low mileage discount of about 5%.
Safe drivers get rewarded with some of the lowest auto insurance premiums available. Most seniors are safe, responsible drivers but may get an occasional ticket. If you do get ticketed, try and go to traffic school so the points will not go on your record and you can qualify for a safe motorist discount.
Shop online for direct rates and save hundreds. Research has proven that comparing direct insurance rates over the web can save drivers more than other methods, like calling an agent. Discounts are given to consumers because online shoppers bypass expensive brokers and agents. To take advantage of all these discounts, apply for a quote from goodtogoinsurance today. You can save up to $600 and even buy your policy online. Start your free quote by entering your zip code and find a cheaper plan in just minutes.